Monday, April 13, 2020

Objectives of HRM

The objectives of HRM are the goals of an organisation. Individual or group activities are then organised in such a way so as to achieve those objectives or goals. Organisations and companies aim to secure and manage certain resources, including human resources, to achieve the specified goals. 
Human resources must therefore be managed in a way that uses their resources to achieve the organisational objectives/goals. Basically the objectives of HRM come from and contribute to achieving organisational objectives. The objectives can be under:

1. ORGANIZATIONAL OBJECTIVES: HRM is a means to achieve efficiency and effectiveness. It serves other functional areas, so as to help them to attain efficiency in their operations and attainment of goals to attain efficiency. Acquiring right man for the right job at right time in right quantity, developing through right kind of training, utilizing the selected workforce, and maintaining the workforce are the organizational objectives of HRM. Succession planning is an important issue to be taken up as a contemporary organizational objective.

2. SOCIETAL OBJECTIVES: HRM must see that the legal, ethical, and social environmental issues are properly attended to. Equal opportunity and equal work are the legal issues not to be violated. To take care of farmers (whose land has been acquired for the factory) and tribal's (who are displaced by industries and mining companies) are the ethical issues.

3. FUNCTIONAL OBJECTIVES: HRM performs so many functions for other departments. However , it must see that the facilitation should not cost more than tha benefit rendered.

4. PERSONAL OBJECTIVES: In today's world there is shortage of requisite talent. Employees are encouraged by competitive firm to change the jobs. HRM has the responsibility to acquire, develop, utilize, and maintain employees. This would be possible only when the HRM helps employees to achieve their personal goals to get their commitment. Creating work-life balance for the employees is a personal objective.

  • Creating, maintaining and improving the working conditions  of the organization's employees.
  • Forecasting staffing needs.Develop and clearly formulate  hypotheses, independently analyze the available data, set tasks for their additional analysis. If the HR director cannot foresee this, he should begin to ascertain the information.
  • Selection of highly qualified specialists capable of joining the corporate culture.
  • Building a staff adaptation system.
  • Employee career development: training, assessment, planning, etc.We need to clarify that the HR should prepare a training and development program. For this, you need to quickly prepare specialists with the necessary skills.
  • To have continual high employee morale and good human relations by establishing and improving conditions and facilities within the organisation. 
  • To ensure wages are fair and adequate and provide incentives and benefits thereby satisfying both individuals and groups. Also to ensure ways of allowing recognition for challenging work, prestige, security and status.
  • To integrate individuals and/or groups within the company by matching their goals with those of the company.
  • To ensure individuals and groups have the right opportunities to develop and grow with the organisation. 
  • To have continual high employee morale and good human relations by establishing and improving conditions and facilities within the organisation.