Saturday, April 4, 2020

What is HR management?

Human Resource Management was originally known as personnel or people management. Earlier, its role was quite limited. Within any company or organisation, HRM is a formal way of managing people. It is a fundamental part of any organisation and its management.The main responsibilities of the personnel department include hiring, evaluating, training, and compensation of employees. The human resources department deals with any issues facing the staff in their working capacity within an organisation. HR is concerned with specific work practices and how they affect the organisation’s performance. 
Today, Human Resources Management deals with:
  • Anything related to managing people within a company or organisation. This means decisions, strategies, principles, operations, practices, functions, activities, and the methods used to manage employees.
  • The type of relationships people have in their places of employment and anything that affects those relationship in a positive or negative way.
  • Ensuring that employees are satisfied with the conditions of their employment. This leads to better services and production of goods and helps the company’s success.

HRM focuses on bringing in new employees with new talents for the company and managing employees. Another function is to guide and help employees by providing direction when necessary.  In a large organisation, with a lot of people, it is important to have a department that specifically focuses on staff issues. These issues are things like hiring, performance management, organisational development, training, occupational health and safety, motivation incentives, communication, workplace culture, and environment.

Human Resource Management is now a vital part of any organisation.  Every company or organisation is required to have this department. It helps with increasing the morale of workers by working on relations between employees and their employers and constantly striving to make them better. The HR department also provides any support employees need to assist them improve their performance.